Much of my thinking on the questions listed in the governance background paper has been shaped by contributors to the Centre for Policy Development – a couple of whom, Janette Hartz-Karp and Lyn Carson, are participants in the governance stream, while others, like Marcus Westbury, have ended up elsewhere.
As CPD subscribers will know, we produced a special ‘reclaiming democracy’ edition of our online magazine InSight immediately after last year’s election which covered quite a lot of ground – from the misuse of government advertising budgets to the poor state of FOI (that one was by the governance stream chair John Hartigan).
We also put together a table listing various issues affecting the health of Australia’s democratic culture and outlining what the federal Labor government plans to do about them I have to say that so far I’m pretty impressed. The new government has taken or promised action on the vast majority of issues that were identified by the CPD and others researching this issue (e.g. Get Up, the Democratic Audit and Australian Collaboration).
Here are some of the gaps I’ve identified so far: