The Centre for Policy Development is an independent and non-partisan organisation committed to long-term policy development.
We maintain our independence through support from diverse organisations who contribute both financially and in-kind.
CPD operates with strict rules governing our fundraising practices, guaranteeing transparency and accountability.
We are not politically affiliated and collaborate with elected officials across the political spectrum, business groups, worker representatives, civil society organisations, and other stakeholders.
We do not endorse, align ourselves with, or maintain formal or financial relationships with any political party.
Our funding policy ensures the continuing independence of our research.
CPD is a registered charity with the ACNC and an Approved Research Institute. Donations to CPD over $2 are tax deductible.
Centre for Policy Development’s funders and donors: Financial Year 2022-2023
Our achievements are only possible thanks to the generosity and unwavering support from our valued donors who share our vision for a more just, sustainable, and prosperous future.
We would like to thank the following organisations who generously contributed to CPD’s work in the previous financial year:
You can join these people and organisations who are helping to make good ideas matter by donating online or by contacting us on +61 3 9752 2771 or
As a non-profit organisation with low overheads, the resources we receive are put straight to work on researching great ideas and injecting them into the public debates that will shape the future of our society, environment and economy.
All donations to our Research Fund are tax-deductible.
To sustain our work, CPD accepts financial and in-kind support from a wide range of donors. These include philanthropic foundations, individuals, governments, businesses, and others. This diverse funding base is critical to preserving CPD’s independence and reputation, and facilitates important policy research.
CPD accepts funding from donors who help us to further our mission and vision, and who respect our values and independence. CPD accepts sponsorship for events, fellowships, and research programs, but not for publications.
We will not accept donations or sponsorship from individuals or organisations where accepting such funding would compromise our values or our independence. CPD shall engage in a due diligence process for all new donors and consult the board and research committee for advice.
Donations and sponsorship do not confer editorial control over CPD’s research, and donors and sponsors do not necessarily endorse CPD publications or research findings.
View CPD’s full funding policy here.
Please direct any questions regarding donations or sponsorship to COO Allison Orr.
Tel: +61 3 9752 2771