Centre for Policy Development Limited (CPD) Funding Policy

To sustain our work, CPD accepts financial and in-kind support from a wide range of donors. These include philanthropic foundations, individuals, governments, businesses, and others. This diverse funding base is critical to preserving CPD’s independence and reputation, and facilitates important policy research.

CPD accepts funding from donors who help us to further our mission and vision, and who respect our values and independence. CPD accepts sponsorship for events, fellowships, and research programs, but not for publications.

We will not accept donations or sponsorship from individuals or organisations where accepting such funding would compromise our values or our independence. CPD shall engage in a due diligence process for all new donors and consult the board and research committee for advice.

Any funding must not compromise CPD’s independence: it should not impose conditions that would attempt to control or interfere with CPD’s research, or censor advocacy efforts related to such research. CPD should not have a donor-driven agenda. Priorities should be set by CPD, and donors should donate to CPD to support those priorities.

To help safeguard CPD’s sustainability and independence, we have a target that no donor may provide more than 30% of CPD’s overall budget.

CPD’s strong preference is for multi-year, general operating support. Commissioned research will only be considered in limited circumstances and is subject to Research Committee and Board approval.

CPD believes strongly in transparency and will disclose all donors on our website, unless the donor prohibits this practice.


CPD retains full discretion and control over its Create, Connect, Convince work. We recognise that many of our supporters have expertise in the areas we work, and we will seek their advice along with other experts, stakeholders and advisors. However, no supporter, donor, expert, stakeholder or advisor has the ability to change or veto any CPD research or content.
