1 Jun 2022– The Centre for Policy Development (CPD) has announced the establishment of the Wellbeing Government Initiative.
This multi-year project using CPD’s Create-Connect-Convince method will embed a wellbeing approach in Australian public policy decision-making so that government decisions, policies and programs can build happier, healthier lives and more connected, resilient communities.
The Initiative’s announcement follows research released in February 2022 indicating that one in three Australians – 32 percent – consider improving wellbeing the primary purpose of government – a five point rise from the previous year.
Nations around the world have embraced wellbeing approaches to government over recent decades as policymakers seek data, tools and methods to change people’s lives for the better.
Centre for Policy Development Wellbeing Lead Warwick Smith said the time was right for a serious and action-oriented discussion of the place of wellbeing in Australia.
“Governments should aim to improve the lives of the people and communities they serve. This means making policy that improves the things that matter most to people.”
“But right now many policymakers – from elected officials and government agencies and delivery partners – do not have the right tools to deliver on this purpose.
“By applying a rigorous research lens and engaging key experts from across government, industry and the private sector, the initiative aims to make a path to better health, greater happiness and more connected, resilient communities.”