CPD has released A new approach: breaking the stalemate on refugees & asylum seekers, a report which comprehensively critiques Australia’s refugee and asylum policies and finds they are inhumane, ineffective and expensive.
Australia needs a circuit-breaker in our treatment of people seeking asylum from war and persecution. On the 10th anniversary of the Tampa, Australia’s asylum and refugee policies are still sadly characterised by human tragedy, political opportunism, policy failure and great cost.
The authors of the report – John Menadue, Arja Keski-Nummi and Kate Gauthier – draw on their extensive policy experience to inject facts into a highly-politicised debate and put forward policies that ensure we treat people seeking asylum with fairness, assess their claims rigorously but with compassion, and develop policies that are in the interests of all Australians.
The Centre for Policy Development’s A New Approach – Breaking the Stalemate on Refugees and Asylum Seekers reportsets out a pathway to advance Australia’s national interest by assuring that the claims of asylum seekers to Australia’sprotection are considered rigorously but with compassion.
The report outlines 13 recommendations which all aim to ensure that Australia:
34 prominent Australians have endorsed the findings of CPD’s A New Approach Report. You can read their full statement of support here.