Eighth Early Childhood Development Council meeting



Graphic of children between 1 and 5 years old

The Eighth Early Childhood Development Council meeting was held on 4 August 2023 in Sydney.

The meeting considered the key components of system redesign needed to secure a well connected early childhood development system with universal early education and care as the backbone.

Eighth Early Childhood Development Council meeting
Discussions during the Eighth Early Childhood Development Council meeting

Participants discussed the momentum towards a well connected early childhood development system that was built on decades of concerted efforts by actors across the system, including many Council members.

The Council considered the critical issues that the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into early education and care had identified.

These included challenges and opportunities related to workforce supply, service quality, access, affordability, administration and public investment.

The meeting noted significant progress towards the Guarantee for Young Children and Families proposed by the Starting Better report, and emphasised the importance of universal early education and care as the backbone of a reformed early childhood development system.

Discussions from Eighth Early Childhood Development Council meeting

The Council also considered models of stewardship conducive to a shared approach to early childhood development, with an emphasis on the importance of clear and suitable governance arrangements for the states and Commonwealth.

Participants undertook detailed discussions on:

  • the design of a funding system for a reformed early childhood development sector in line with the Guarantee for Young Children and Families,
  • measures to sustain quality and workforce development to support the establishment of a universal early childhood system,
  • measures to address market failures in early education and care
  • systems to provide data to track progress towards outcomes, and
  • overall systems architecture for an early childhood development system that delivers on the promise of the Guarantee for Young Children and Families

About the Early Childhood Development Council

The Centre for Policy Development (CPD) convenes the Early Childhood Development Council (ECD Council). The ECD Council is an informal gathering of researchers, advocates, practitioners and policymakers in the early childhood space. 

Participants attend in a personal capacity and the council has no formal standing.  In line with CPD’s custom ECD Council meetings conducted under the Chatham House Rule and on an invitation-only basis to ensure those involved can participate candidly.

