White paper on employment



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White Paper on Employment submission

The Centre for Policy Development’s submission to Treasury for the Employment White Paper in December 2022 followed the Jobs and Skills Summit.

The submission draws on CPD’s diverse and interconnected work across the employment services system, people- and place-centered policy, early childhood development, and climate transition.

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The White Paper on Employment submission identifies three major opportunities for Australia, and makes five key recommendations to government

Three opportunities in the White Paper on Employment

The Centre for Policy Development submission to the White Paper on Employment identifies three major opportunities to advance full employment and build a bigger, better trained and more productive Australian workforce:

  • Early Childhood: Create two generations of productivity gains through universally accessible, high quality early childhood education and care, which will boost women’s economic participation and set all children up for success.
  • Just Transition: Reap the rewards of transitioning to a zero carbon economy, and mitigate related risks, by investing in emerging industries and diversifying our exports, in a way that puts people and communities
    most affected first
  • Regional and Community Job Deals: Address long-term unemployment and disadvantage, build community capability, and respond to industry and employer needs locally by scaling up place-based approaches to jobs and skills.

Five key recommendations for government

The Centre for Policy Development submission to the White Paper on Employment recommends:

  • The identification of Place-Based Investment Sites to seize the opportunities at hand, and to demonstrate new approaches
    to policy, implementation and service system design and delivery. Places should be chosen on the basis of concentrated need, community readiness and diversity of settings.
  • An approach to employment, skills, wages and industry that solves for the long-term wellbeing of Australian people, communities and the environment on which they depend.
  • Viewing employment, skills building and workforce development as inextricably linked to advancing other areas of policy, and reaching stated goals. For example, a universal, high quality early childhood education and care system; or transition to a zero carbon economy; or renewing our trade and export position.
  • Moving from piecemeal, disconnected policy processes and interventions, to joined-up approaches that involve greater coordination between departments, with states and territories and with non-government actors.
  • More effective use of the Commonwealth levers and a more active role for the Commonwealth, including the necessary capability uplift.

Employment White Paper submission in the media

The employment white paper says out loud what some people in some parts of our country know all too well. We are yet to deliver the benefits of national prosperity to the people who need it most.
Job seekers will be able to work for longer while retaining social security concessions, and changes to allow pensioners to work more before payments are reduced will become permanent, under two major welfare law reforms.
Today’s Employment White Paper presents a bold reform plan to reignite productivity growth through building a skilled future-ready workforce, helping people overcome barriers to work and broadening opportunities for all Australians
If our response to the royal commission’s findings is limited to punitive and technocratic measures we will miss a major opportunity. We must use it as a foundation for better government.
Starting Better report proposes a decade of reforms to create a Guarantee for Young Children and Families
Refugees are already equipped with the key skills to succeed in business and their contribution can be worth billions of dollars

